A Polycule of Mars

When the crew of the Arge 7 crash lands on the red planet, they quickly discover that Martian relations are far more complicated than back home…


The crew of the Arge 7 ventures into the unknown discovers the sexy alien life among the stars!



Demon Layer

Denied the pleasures of the flesh, the unchained trollop beds the minions of hell and those that know her touch call her…The Demon Layer.



Star Power

A mild-mannered astronomer becomes the last of the Star Powered Sentinels!

31 Days of Demons

A tantalizing taste of this sinful collection: one for every day in the spookiest month of the year.



New Website

Reject modernity (social media)! Embrace tradition (websites)!

Thanks to the mighty effort of Team LV, this site has gotten a major overhaul and is now truly suited to be a place for my work to live on the net. Not just a portfolio site linking you to everywhere ELSE you can find my work, now it’s a place to READ all my work! All my new comics? Here! New art? Here! No matter what happens, this is the place you need to know about if if you want more of my art and stories in your life.

Thank you for being a fan. Take a look around. Let me know if something isn’t working or could be working better. We’ve tested the site pretty thoroughly, but there’s always something, right?